


To inspire connection and community.

At Move Headquarters, our memberships unlock access to a community of connection and support.

Your Move Headquarters Currumbin Membership opens access to a boutique strength and conditioning movement space, and aligned recovery services that ensure support for all fitness and ability levels:

Move Introduction Memberships.

Make Sure Move HQ is right for you

3 class pass


Recovery Trial Pass


Move Training Memberships.

Your Move Headquarters Currumbin Membership opens access to a boutique strength and conditioning movement space that ensures support for all fitness and ability levels:


Training Membership
- unlimited


3 sessions per week

Training Membership -
3 sessions per week


2 sessions per week

Training Membership -
2 sessions per week


Train your way, at your time

Training Membership -
Open Gym


Move Recovery Memberships.

Your Move Headquarters Currumbin Recovery Membership gives you access to our boutique recovery space and services:

Feeling Good starts here:

Recovery Membership
- Level 1


Feeling Good starts here:

Recovery Membership
- Level 2


Feeling Good starts here:

Recovery Membership
- Level 3


Feeling Good starts here:

recovery membership -


Move Membership Promise.

True to Move Headquarters core, not only will we celebrate the community for their uniqueness, we celebrate our team for their individuality. Our coaching team is full of knowledge, education, and passion. They each bring experience, both on a personal and professional level, of which will be intertwined throughout move headquarters services, supports and training.

We believe that all bodies are worthy of care and respect.

Our aim is to support our community in celebrating and caring for their bodies, whilst having fun through movement; rather than punish, control, or manipulate. Remaining curious to any judgements we may hold, we aim to help our community work toward fostering a positive and invigorating relationship with movement to support their mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

Join The Move Community.

Not ready for a membership but still looking for ways to connect with our community?

Joining our Mailing List is a great way to stay up-to-date with Move Headquarters and Recovery, receive exclusive offers, invitation to Events and educational updates from our team. 

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As details are released – you’ll be the first to know! In the mean time, for daily updates head to our Instagram OR Facebook page: 

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