

A gym.

But not as you know it.

At Move Headquarters, we are on a mission.

We are here to be different.

Our mission at Move Headquarters is to create a safe and supportive place where our community can be empowered through movement. To find, develop and grow a connection with moving their bodies for the sole reason of finding happiness, in supporting physical health, fitness, and mental health.

We are passionate advocates of movement.

We support uniqueness.

Our passion is to provide a space where people can use movement as a form of self-care, instead of punishment and shift the focus to the health benefits your body experiences through movement.

Move Headquarters is a place for all to be celebrated for being uniquely you, without the pressure of societal norms or expectations; whilst still supporting you towards your health and fitness goals.

While we move in a group training environment, all sessions support you to move to your capacity on any given day. 

We celebrate your success.

Your goals are our goals too.

We celebrate the movements in training that help us both inside and out. We acknowledge and advocate for individuality when defining your movement goals, and work to support you indivudually in a group training environment. 

Our training programs and group classes focus on mobility, strength and cardiovascular exercises enhancing our overall physical health, mental health and fitness.

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True to Move Headquarters core, not only do we celebrate the community for their uniqueness, we celebrate our team for their individuality. Our coaching team is full of knowledge, education, and passion. They each bring experience, both on a personal and professional level, all intertwined throughout Move Headquarters’ services, supports and training.

We believe that all bodies are worthy of care and respect.

Our aim is to support our community in celebrating and caring for their bodies, whilst having fun through movement. Remaining curious to any judgements we may hold, we aim to help our community work toward fostering a positive and invigorating relationship with movement to support their mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health without pressure of diet culture, tape measures, shame or scales.


Studio Manager | Coach


Maddi started in group fitness back in 2019 and has been working in studio management for just over 2 years now. She completed her Bachelor of Business (Marketing) in 2021. Maddi is passionate about strength and hypertrophy training & making movement work for you, whatever shape or form that may be!


Coach | Exercise Physiologist


Meet David, your warm and friendly coach and exercise physiologist! With over six years of experience in one-on-one and group coaching as a personal trainer and exercise physiologist, David has a passion for movement, strength and conditioning, and injury rehabilitation.




Move Recovery is a built for purpose recovery space to compliment, support and enhance our Movement Program. 

These services provide an opportunity to enhance of physical and mental health through recovery methods including: 


De-stress and recreate balance with Infrared light expose in our Sunlighten mPulse Conquer Sauna.


Exposure to extreme cold produces an increase in blood flow and immune system support.


Freed from all sensation of gravity, temperature, touch, sight and sound, in the i-sopod, conserve and redirect physical and mental energy.


Dynamic air compression with Hyperice Normatec 3 to advance your wellness, recover faster, improve your training, and maximize your performance.

These services are designed to support your wellbeing, both physical and mental. 

Open to the wider community.

Move Recovery is a space to be shared. Open to all, the recovery facilities at Move Recovery are available for booking 7 days a week. Gift vouchers are also available. 


As details are released – you’ll be the first to know! In the mean time, for daily updates head to our Instagram OR Facebook page: 

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