


from our expert Coaches, Nutritionists, Exercise Physiologist, Dietician and Strength and Conditioning Coaches.

At Move Headquarters, we are on a mission.

We are here to educate.

Our mission at Move Headquarters is to create a safe and supportive place where our community can be empowered through movement. To find, develop and grow a connection with moving their bodies for the sole reason of finding happiness, in supporting physical health, fitness, and mental health.

Our team are qualified Professionals.

The Move Headquarters team is made up of highly skilled, qualified and passionate individuals. Our qualifications include;

We are committed to providing a supportive environment for our community to move your body in a safe and empowered way while we are…

...sharing our knowledge with you.

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Four tips to help build a positive relationship with food

Eating “well” has become such a hot topic, and may leave us feeling guilty or ashamed if we’re not doing it “perfectly”, according to an external standard. A positive relationship with food however, promotes enjoyment, compassion and longevity. Read on for tips to reduce stress around meals.

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